JavaScript is growing explosively and is now used in large mature projects even outside the web domain. JavaScript is also a dynamically typed language for which static type systems, notably Facebook's Flow and Microsoft's TypeScript, have been written. What benefits do these static type systems provide?
Leveraging JavaScript project histories, we select a fixed bug and check out the code just prior to the fix. We manually add type annotations to the buggy code and test whether Flow and TypeScript report an error on the buggy code, thereby possibly prompting a developer to fix the bug before its public release. We then report the proportion of bugs on which these type systems reported an error. Evaluating static type systems against public bugs, which have survived testing and review, is conservative: it understates their effectiveness at detecting bugs during private development, not to mention their other benefits such as facilitating code search/completion and serving as documentation. Despite this uneven playing field, our central finding is that both static type systems find an important percentage of public bugs: both Flow 0.30 and TypeScript 2.0 successfully detect 15%!
We seek to construct a corpus of bugs that is representative and sufficiently large to support statistical inference. As always, achieving representativeness is the main difficulty, which we address by uniform sampling. We cannot sample bugs directly, but rather commits that we must classify into fixes and non-fixes. Why fixes? Because a fix is often labelled as such, its parent is almost certainly buggy and it identifies the region in the parent that a developer deemed relevant to the bug. To identify bug-fixing commits, we consider only projects that use issue trackers, then we look for bug report references in commit messages and commit ids (SHAs) in bug reports. This heuristic is not only noisy; it must also contend with bias in project selection and bias introduced by missing links.
We used the standard sample size computation to determine the sample size. On 19/08/2015, there were 3,910,969 closed issues for JavaScript projects on GitHub, which we used to approximate the population. We set the confidence level and confidence interval to 95% and 5%, respectively. The calculation showed that a sample of 384 bugs was sufficient for the experiment, which we rounded to 400.
Please click here for the list of the 400 studied bugs.
Procedure 1 defines our manual type
annotation procedure. Because we annotate each bug twice, once
for each type system, our experiment is a within-subject
repeated measure experiment. As such, a phenomenon known as
learning effects may come into play, as knowledge gained from
creating the annotations for one type checker may speed
annotating the other. To mitigate learning effects, for a bug
\(b\) in \(B\), we first pick a type system \(ts\) from Flow and
TypeScript uniformly at random, so that, on average, we consider
as many bugs for the first time for each type system. If \(b\)
is not type related “beyond a shadow of a doubt”, such as
misunderstanding the specification, we label it as undetectable
under \(ts\) and categorise it, skipping the annotation process.
If not, we read the bug report and the fix to identify the
patched region, the set of lexical scopes the fix changes.
Combining human comprehension and JavaScript's read–eval–print
loop (REPL), e.g. Node.js, we attempt to understand the intended
behavior of a program and add consistent and minimal annotations
that cause ts to error on \(b\). We are not experts in type
systems nor any project in our corpus. To combat this, we have
striven to be conservative: we annotate variables whose types
are difficult to infer with any
. Then we type check
the resulting program. We ignore type errors that we consider
unrelated to this goal. We repeat this process until we confirm
that \(b\) is \(ts\)-detectable because \(ts\) throws an error
within the patched region and the added annotations are
consistent, or we deem \(b\) is not \(ts\)-detectable, or we
exceed the time budget \(M\).
Contact us and we'll get back as soon as possible.
Univerisity College London, Gower Street, London, UK
z.gao.12 (at)